Monday, January 26, 2004

"Why Does it always rain on me?

Is it because I lied when I was 17? "- Travis. I was just re listening to an old CD from HS. It's nice to be reaquanted to your memories from days gone by.
What a weekend was had. Junk Fest 2004 was a Major success, i dont think we could have eaten any more, I am now just hungry. It was really great of Angela for having us over. What a nice change it was, and we went to the Casio de Montreal, which I have never been to before and had my all time fav thing, BRUNCH BUFFET....mmmmmm talk about good food. And then we got a drive back from Ange's Dad, so no bus, ohh and I forgot to mention Micky D's for dinner, mmmm some times I just crave a Big mac. However I might go back and get the Happy Meal as it was Play Dough and Lilo and Stich. Talk about a good movie.

Things downtown were great today, I went into Winners and just looked arround, I really like the new suits at Jacob. Might now have to get some later on if I do that thing, Ms. Dunn-FLanagan, but the kids could call me Ms DF.

Talk about COLD still, and I have a killer sore throat, as well as a well too many canker sores, so if I sounds funny, it's bc it just hurts to talk right now, I am not pissed off at ya. ;)

I am getting really excited about this whole teach thing, oh so there are some pictures that I am trying to up load so there should be a link up soon (fingers crossed)

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