Sunday, March 14, 2004

It's Official...Can't think of a title

Yes for those of you who haven't been here in awhile, I have updated the title of this blog. I just felt it was time for a change, and as this is really just me rambling a long, the title fit. Maxi Padman has a friend up from Ta ra na, as people from outside of the Maritimes seem to think we pronouce it. Should be a fun week. Also sugar shack the 18th and also the 17th is St Paddy's day. I dont think I am going to go, tho. But things might change, I just have gotten used to smoke free envts.
Also this weekend I notice the ever expanding hold Microsoft has on us. Way back in the days of High School, everyone had ICQ, there were never that many problems with it and everything was fine. But on Friday for some reason MSN Msger Would not let us log on, when was it this major change, I mean even first year of uni it was still ICQ but now, BAM there has been this switch. Whats with that??
I still think I need a coffee IV drip, I never thought I would come to depend on my 4 cups, but I do. And I am ok with this.I might update later today I think I shall try and get my ever missing brother on the phone to see how things are at Mt A

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