Friday, January 30, 2004

TWIGS for dinner

So let me see where to begin. I find it strange that only a month has gone by ( well almost) and I have a mid term on Tuesday as well as my seminar, what a difference from last term being last to go. All I can say is I have a feast prepared, mmmm cake and pizza, you really can't go wrong with that.

Again the evil cold wind was agaisnt the poor student as she walked into Ste Annes for dinner to catch up with an old friend from the begining of uni. It was odd, how much time has passed oh well. The soup I will say this was AMAZING now that I have had "real" food again, I might start *gasp* shall I dare say it, but cook again.

I know I know after doing all those dishes to start again. I have determined that I have enough dished to get me through 2 weeks with out having to wash a plate or well anything. Mind you I did rinse them all well, and stored them under the counter. But I have 14 forks/knives, and by planning my meals well yea. However I had a shit load of washing to do, and that will not be repeated.

I have slaged off on going to the gym this week, as I feel like the worst possible kind of crap, as soon as one thing gets better something else is sick.

Tonight they all went out with out me, which is ok, I hope y'all had fun, did you pick the DIPS up? Casino night, not one of my Favs. Well I'm just not a gambler, I just like hitting the table in black jack and saying hit me, I usually get over 21.

Good Luck S with your Final tomorrow, just think a whole weekend at home, only 23 days till I go home and 28 till my mouth is free.

Ok I should try and sleep seeing as I didn't get to bed until 4am today

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